Thursday, February 23, 2006

Is sorry overrated?

Is Sorry over rated

I think the word sorry is overrated. The word sorry is a bail out for something we may have or may not have meant. The only person who really knows is the person distributing the apology. He or she knows if they are sincere or they have something to gain by having control over the person who is receiving the apology. I am guilty, I have said it more than I can count, yet I was sincere on every word. Nothing ever was held in the balance with the word sorry with me. If something was said it out of a reaction when a person wasn’t thinking straight and the person understands that it was the heat of the moment, the it may go over well. A lot of times it may get old but it’s the simplest term we have in the dictionary that I know of that will soothe a hostile mind. I have encounter most people do not know how to apologize and think that the world owes them something. Those types of folks are conceded and really have known conscience or care in the world for anyone but them selves. So now that I think about it maybe sorry isn’t so overrated because people will use at the drop of a dime. Little kids will use it to their parents and you know it’s sincere and genuine, until they become teenagers and men dogging women and women playing men. That’s when you should be cautious. Maybe that’s what it is. Sorry should be defined as a cautious word. Beware to whom you may use it to and for what, you just may find out that all apologies are accepted.

URGES: Do you have them

Most people live their lives going through the motions of life’s ups and downs. We are in and out of our minds more than a shopping mall or online site. Society labels most folks who can’t keep still with ADHD. I beg to differ, here’s why. When we are born we have these urges to do what we want to do. It may be chaotic; however we have the brain and will power of wanting to do something, even if it’s out of control. Urges have a stronghold on human beings who wants to clarify, rationalize and justify anything that has been suppressed. Americans for example have more urges today than ever before, just look at some of the faces. People's minds are never where they are. We live in the real matrix of life’s hustle and bustle of trying to get ahead and capture that urge or feeling that we may have. The eyes never lie, just ask some one what would they rather be doing and it will never be what they currently are doing.

Most urges are good and then there are the negative ones that can land us all in hot water if we aren’t careful. Some have the urge to smoke when we really trying to quit. Most sub come to drugs and alcohol to calm them selves down from a hectic day. Some contemplate thoughts to commit robberies for, financial or material gain from someone else’s hard work. You can add the urge to commit suicide because life has thrown them a curve ball. Urges are our way out of the reality that we live in. A temporary reprieve; of not wanting to live by anybody else’s rules but our own. What we see is what we all want to do and the media couldn’t have a more important role in what we all want to satisfy our urges.
I believe urges free us from being confined and suppressed by someone other than the urge its self. To us the urge is great no matter how bad, but when ever a person feels they just don’t care they are going to do what comes naturally and that to scratch that itch.

Sex is the most incredible urge most of us have, believe it or not. It’s selling and everyone wants to have something they can not, so they do the unthinkable and commit adultery. Adultery has to have the biggest effect or urge that is suppressed in our minds today. Number one it sells, number two it’s everywhere. People want to try something new or get away with something that they and the other person only know about. They don’t think about the consequences and skeletons being housed in the closets. I think urges could be classified as a politically correct term of have temptations for something. Just like the Motown group sang, “Is it just my imagination? Running away with me?”
That couldn’t be truer as we dream for the time we can be spoiled in our urges for self gratification not able to override our tempted nature of doing what we have to fight not to do. Urges is a battle with thy self. Show your self the love but keep suppressing the act that you want to have take center stage. If you do it, have no regrets and live life the way you wish. After all we only live once so go full steam ahead, beware of the backlash when life pulls your card and you’re stuck in a situation you may not be able to handle.

Do me a favor think about your urges and embraced them for what they are. Now ask you’re self, are my urges worth having if they are negative. I can safely say you would not like it to have a profound effect on your conscience. If you are able to control what lies inside of you then you may be ahead of your own game. However, you will slip up and be a slave to that urge that may do you more harm than good. I am not insinuating that I am an expert but I have my own urges that I try to suppress for the greater of me.

Although this isn’t about me this is about us. Humans are design to fail and succeed in life’s struggles. Enjoy your urges, enjoy your life and think about your urges seriously. What I have learned is that anything thing worth thinking about will make us stronger.

“You can run but you can’t hide far, because no matter where you go there you are”

Have fun my peeps
Copyright 2006