Monday, October 10, 2005


I have a Quagmire

I have a difficult situation. I used to be frequent churchgoer and now I don’t attend as much as I use to do. I think a lot of the black churches have become a meeting ground for entertainment. I know I used to go to see a certain woman get the (holy ghost) every Sunday. That was entertainment to me, however that time has faded away. All I wanted was to be taught God’s lesson’s mixed with today’s ill plagues that have society on lock down and how to over come them. It’s the same protocol with nothing to gain I think. I do believe that God has more to give us via the Paster, Preacher, Bishop, etc in the church. I tune in to tele-vangilism on Sunday’s instead of venturing out to hear the word at a traditional church. Cable television has become my church away from church. I pay the cable-company and the give me three or four channels a week of Christian inspirational messages. I love it, the Pastor’s are calm and they set a tone for a learning experience like no other. Infact I find my self-recording the programs into my computer and then burn them to CD-ROM to listen to for the week. One of the things I admire is that, they don’t scream or yell or have this revival that over takes the message. I am sure they do have music to stir the soul, however they don’t show that. That’s not what I need. I can listen to the hundreds of gospel CD’s I have in my collection at anytime and I do enjoy the songs praising the Lord on Bobby Jones gospel. I want the word; people today need help and guidance, not just to be told to drop a dollar or two in the collection plate. I do understand what that money goes to, however some are profiting from its members. (That will be my next topic in the future.) So that brings me back to my quagmire, what should I do? Should I continue to sit in my pajamas and listen to what my soul needs? Or shall I get dress and go to church and listen to a service that is lacking enthusiasm and zeal and never get anything out of it? I think I will continue to sit at home and get all I need for the week ahead. So there it’s not a quagmire with myself any longer now that I thought this out. Now someone may say, "you go to church for fellowship." That may be true but those people who sit in the pews are living in tough situations in their lives and they sit there trying to out dress and sing better than everyone else and not getting the full blessing God want them to have via the preacher. Everyone is not called to preach and many don’t know how to deliver a powerful word that will have people running to their church. I’ve seen it and I know someone very close to me who use to have that power. She became feed up and left the conference because of money hungry Bishop who lives in a plush home funded by its members. The person I know was high up in the church yet she was not allowed to speak her mind. The church has become a business. I said it a business. One day I will find a church that will stir my soul, but for now, Eddie Long, Joel Osteen, Jentzen Franklin, Dr. James Matzen, Joyce Myers, T.d. Jakes and my favorite Ed Young teaches and fills my soul with Gods word. Maybe I am a greedy man but I need to hear all of them to tell me something different. Call me a multi-tasker of Gods word. I love it. I really do. Try it sometimes you will not be disappointed. Check your local listings for times in your area and let them reach your soul via the almighty