Thursday, September 08, 2005

Apologies or saying I was Wrong: Which is better?

Apologies or saying I was Wrong: Which is better?

If someone apologized to you about some mishap that took place and nothing is moved forward to change, should we go back and hold the apologetic accountable again?
If you could hold them accountable shouldn’t all of your apologies be brought to light and research to see if you made amends with this sincere statement that is over used?
Far too many people miss-use this fragile word, without thinking about the impact it has and how easily it could ease the mind of the person hurt during the process.
Saying sorry has to mean something to the person who dealt the blow, and the person receiving the pain. For what ever reason it maybe be, physically or mentally saying sorry should be preceded by I was wrong.
This should have been President Bush’s first word to try and explain what happen on his part. He was late, never apologized but he did offer an investigation into what went wrong in his administration. Someone should be held accountable, starting with the head of FEMA and the director of Homeland Security. His words of apologies, which by the way has never been uttered from his lips yet, should not be accepted. To the people in New Orleans this should be an unforgiving time for them, but they will not hold a grudge on this administration. Kanye West maybe right, "Bush don’t care about us." That was so evident when the president’s own mother said these people would be better off in other places. Hmm now I see where he gets most of his intellect from. These folks lost everything, don’t you see that Mrs. Bush. They’re not better off in Texas; you’re beloved state. The south has endured so much though out time starting with the slave trade but that another topic entirely. New Orleans has God is in their hearts and they will find a way to accept, forgive but will not forget this tragic moment in time. When the people from the country of Sariavo came to Louisiana by way of Florida. Those people were housed on a military based with bathrooms, running water feeling safe. So why not housed your own people there, when you first announced for all the people of New Orleans to flee their homes? Sometimes the word sorry doesn’t help. Sometimes saying I am (wrong) can be accepted better than that overused word. I am wrong, say it with me. We’re all human and no one understands that better than the human beings who went through hell and treated like they were less than that. America is always apologizing for it’s wrongs and the world is supposed to sit back and accept it because its America. This time the great super power was put on blast for the whole word to see. We run to other people of the world because that’s the humanitarian thing to do. Say you’re wrong and don’t apologize Mr. Bush for not running to those people’s aid down south. The king of vacations was were he wanted to be. Safe from the press and dealings of running this country correctly.

Copyright 2005

Cho Woods