Saturday, February 04, 2006

Vitamin Love

Vitamin Love

Trying to get into the center of my self would take some type of vitamin love. I want to get there with this vitamin that’s not available in the street or stores but I was told if I pick the most famous book in the world up, I would find it there. I want to be shield from all entities that don’t conformed to my ideas of artistic expression such as my writing and my hip hop jazz production because only those things are me in that form and I take great pride at the end results. See in my world there is self chaos that gets more chaotic when the light switch goes on when I don’t agree with something I don’t have faith in. Depression hurts me because I am this simple guy and all I want is explanations and confirmation to get that jubilation I get when I bust one after sex. NOW that revolution will never be televised! I believe my paranoia is valid and will be the death of this man who has never made an enemy of anyone other than my self. I need that vitamin love to add to my own trinity of life. All I have is my balls and word and that self love I would get from that vitamin love would complete my personal trinity. To me it’s the only security that I need to shield me and keep me praising him and trusting in Him of what He says he would do. Connecting dots that don’t want to be connect stirs up emotions of me wanting to control and know everything that I hold to my heart. Its because view this world differently because some folk don’t agree and correspond with my method of thinking and I am not saying I am right or wrong I am just saying listen to me because I breathe and my voice matters.
So I will pray tonight and every night to get that elusive vitamin love that’s really not that elusive. It’s me that running from the truth that was written in the great book. That vitamin in that book is better that all the one describe in the alphabet and I bet that if I call out his name I would get all the nutriense that I need to continue this thing called life.