What makes a writer write? No one really knows why other than the writer who is writing something for a reason and to seek and audience. We all have something to say as human beings on this lonely populated planet in the universe. There are so many people who can not express themselves with written words but do find a way to express themselves. Words are very powerful and it shows everyday. Turn on the local news or the cable news and its there visually for all to hear and see. Those visual thoughts had to come from a writer who sat down with a group of people and had a meeting of the minds and figure out how we can captivate people today. Writing is control to the max. Words that team up with the paper by way of ink, pencil or a common printout from a computer. This county was built on the pen and yes the pen is mightier than the sword. Words freed the slaves and instituted voting rights for minorities and women. Laws are written every day and because someone ushered them into law we have to abide by them. No one came to us and place a gun next to our heads and told us we had to. It was written, deal with it or leave. Writers entertain us with gossip, sports opinion and commentating proclaiming to be an expert yet never played a collegiate or professional sport.
Radio is the hot medium now next to the news to give people information that they need. Words has shaped cyberspace and unrestricted radio with the satelite system. Hip hop has young minds on lock down with degrading words against women. Long are the days of good hip hop lyrics, because someone wrote in a contract that you must sell records.
Every thing hangs in the balance with each and every word of the puppet master who wants you to know what he thinks. Its his or her opinion and you can agree or disagree but the ultimate result was to get you to pay attention. May you will learn something, thats basically the aim for most writers. They have information and they want us to know. Whatever your interest, its out there for you just pick up something and read it. I am a writer and you may have found your self reading this view of what I think. I lured you into my world with a title that made you slightly curious. Writers are thinkers, people that are in a class by themselves. Its an art form, a painting with text instead of a paint brush or musical instrument. There is a rapper who no longer records but his words was so profound to me back in 1988 on a song called “Ain’t no half stepping.’” At the end of his song he is quoted by saying, “at the table I sit, making it legit and when the pen hits the paper, ahh shit!”
I have that feeling every time I write something. Writing moves people, its something we can never live with out. The key is to find a niche and hold on to it and really make people see you for what you are, if you are that person. I know who I am and I am a wanna be writer that will continue to practice my craft. I have a voice with these words that came from my thoughts and made it to a medium for all to read. Oh one final thought becareful and don't believe everything you read. Sike!