Something you should know
DEFENSE SECRETARY WILLIAM COHEN ADMITS WEATHER WARFARE IS REAL FINAL PROOF IS NOW CONCLUSIVE! "GLOBAL WARMING" IS NOW PROVEN TO BE CAUSED BY HUMAN BEINGS! For once, we agree with the Leftist Environmentalist! Human activity IS causing global warming, for the atmosphere IS heating up. We part ways with these Environmentalists as to WHY Global Warming is occurring and WHO are the culprits. OCCULT THEOLOGICAL BASIS FOR HATING THIS INDUSTRIAL CIVILIZATION To comprehend how our leaders could hate this Industrial Civilization so much they would take gradual action to destroy it, we have to begin at the religious level - the religion of the occult. Remember, our current and past national leaders not only control armies, navies and aircraft of the word, they control our national environmental policies as well. Sustainable Development = Destruction of this Civilization -- Part 1 WEATHER CONTROL AND WEATHER WARFARE Subtitle: History's Greatest Misconceptions Held by the Masses of People 1. The earth is flat 2. The Sun revolves around our Earth 3. "If God had wanted man to fly, he would have created us with wings". 4. Only God can control the Weather Since our educational system has been deliberately dumbed down to prevent citizens from being well trained in logic, mathematics, and science, most people do not believe that man controls the weather. In this article, we will demonstrate the obvious worthlessness of this stagnate belief. Sustainable Development = Destruction of this Civilization -- Part 2 MAJOR DISCOVERY! MAPS OF DEADLY STORMS OF PAST YEARS CONFORMS GREATLY WITH THE U.N. MAP OF RESERVE AND CORRIDOR SYSTEM TO PROTECT BIODIVERSITY! When you see that the pattern of past deadly storms is consistent with the U.N. Map referenced above, your eyes should be opened to the fact that our weather is being controlled and utilized to create the social engineering so desired by the Illuminati. Sustainable Development = Destruction of this Civilization -- Part 3 ULTIMATE GOAL OF "SUSTAINABLE" PLAN MAY BE THE "COMING SUPERSTORM"! "It is patently impossible to discuss social engineering ... without implying extensive objectives of social control and destruction of human life, i.e., slavery and benevolent genocide ... When a silent weapon is applied gradually, the public adjusts/adapts to its presence and learns to tolerate its encroachment on their lives until the pressure ... becomes too great and they crack up. ["Behold A Pale Horse", Cooper, p. 36, 40] After years of ratcheting up violent, deadly storms, the finale just might be the greatest "Perfect Storm" in history. In its aftermath, people would allow themselves to be ordered off their land, out of their cities, into their "Reserves" and "Buffer Zones". Sustainable Development = Destruction of this Civilization -- Part 4 REVIEW OF REVELATION JUDGMENTS THAT TURN WEATHER AGAINST WICKED MAN! In Parts 1 through 4 of this series on Weather Control and the Sustainable Development controversy swirling through the world right now, let us stop to review God's many judgments in the Book of Revelation that turn an aspect of weather against wicked man. The progress toward "Sustainable Development" in today's news might be yet another indicator that the End of the Age is very close. Sustainable Development = Destruction of this Civilization -- Part 5 "AND POWER WAS GIVEN TO HIM" The Bible is very explicit in its teaching of the rise of Antichrist and his subsequent domination of all aspects of life on earth. When will his New World Order come to fruition? Why would secular society as we know it worship a priest-king? What is the source of his power and might? Does he actually circumvent the sovereignty of God? Furthermore, does modern technology give any preliminary hints as to his control over the "forces of nature"? Lastly, how could God allow evil forces to destroy His creation? Insights to these and other related questions are discussed in this article. CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS IN THE PROGRESS OF WEATHER WARFARE TECHNOLOGY When we study the progression of scientific advances that allow government scientists to control the weather, we can learn much about Weather Warfare. A TERRIFYING LOOK AT THE CONTROL OF WEATHER WARFARE -- A LOOK AT HAARP We shall take a basic look at the technology involved in controlling the weather. We shall try to take a simple look so you can understand a most complex scientific subject. LIFE MAGAZINE TAKES NOTICE OF THE WEIRD WEATHER THE PAST TWO YEARS, BUT THEIR SOLUTION IS EXTREME TYPICALLY NEW AGE! Life Magazine takes note of the terribly weird weather in the past two years, gives great statistics, and almost takes note of the capability to control weather. Yet, their conclusion is almost the New World Order goal. ARTICLES FROM MASS MEDIA OVER THE YEARS HAVE TALKED BOLDLY ABOUT WEATHERWEAPONS! FURTHER CONFIRMATION THEY EXIST! We have reported that a United Nations treaty is on record prohibiting any nation from using Weather Weapons against any other nation. Now, we will review articles that have appeared in the last 20 years boldly declaring that Weather Weapons do exist and do work. [Part 2 of 3] We have reported that a United Nations treaty is on record prohibiting any nation from using Weather Weapons against any other nation. Now, we will review articles that have appeared in the last 20 years boldly declaring that Weather Weapons do exist and do work. [Part 2 of 3] MORE BOLD ARTICLES FROM MASS MEDIA TELLING US ABOUT WEATHER WEAPON TECHNOLOGY! We review still more articles about the technology to control the weather. You will be stunned to learn how prevalent it is today. We conclude with a shocking United Nations pamphlet that ties weather control into their New World Order Plan! Part 3 of 3. CAUSING A MASSIVE FLOODING WITH WEATHER WEAPON TECHNOLOGY Now that we have examined firm, irrefutable evidence that Weather Weapons do exist, let us see how a massive, 500-year flood can actually be created, in the exact spot scientists choose. UNPRECEDENTED FLOODING IN CHINA Weird Weather continues to rear its ugly head, in Communist China. Once more, we see historically unprecedented storms - flooding this time - pummeling mankind. Weather Warfare is a likely reason. HURRICANE CHARLEY ABRUPTLY, UNEXPECTEDLY CHANGED COURSE, STRIKING PUNTA GORDA AREA, A MAJOR U.N. BIODIVERSITY AREA WHERE NO HUMANS WILL BE ALLOWED TO LIVE! Updated 8-27-04 Just as Hurricane Isabel struck a major U.N. Biodiversity area last year, Hurricane Charley precisely struck a major Biodiversity area when it ploughed into Punta Gorda. Government is still using "Weather Modification" capability to convince people there are just some areas they cannot be allowed to live. HURRICANE ISABEL WAS STEERED DIRECTLY ONTO THE U.N. BIOSPHERES - "CAROLINIAN - SOUTH ATLANTIC" and "VIRGINIA COAST"! Action to implement Biosphere, "Re-Wilding" program is apparently under way in earnest -- Part 2 Hurricane Isabel originally showed a Masonic Pentagram in the middle of her eye for a very good reason: this storm has devastated an area targeted for "de-population" so that the land can go back to the "wild", i.e., "Re-Wilding". Using Weather Modification tools, the Illuminati is gradually establishing the precedent that certain areas of the land cannot be inhabited. When you lose your Personal Property Rights, you can thank "Re-Wilding" and the UNESCO Biosphere program. NBC Weather Anchorman Reveals Weather Is Controlled Hurricane Isabel originally showed a Masonic Pentagram in the middle of her eye for a very good reason: this storm has devastated an area targeted for "de-population" so that the land can go back to the "wild", i.e., "Re-Wilding". Using Weather Modification tools, the Illuminati is gradually establishing the precedent that certain areas of the land cannot be inhabited. When you lose your Personal Property Rights, you can thank "Re-Wilding" and the UNESCO Biosphere program. "THE EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTHES!" -- Part 1 -- Scalar Weaponry Smoking Gun Proof That God's Prophecies Control World Events! As Bush leads the U.S. into war in the Middle East, the shocking reality is that our military forces do not possess the most powerful weapons on earth. The Russians do, and the Chinese, and maybe the Israelis do -- Col. Weeks was right: We do not have the weapons to back up our global bravado! This war could turn into unmitigated disaster. "THE EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTHES" -- Part 2 -- Prophetic Line-up! More Prophetic Implications of Other Countries Having Greater Scalar Weaponry Than We Do. Lineup of nations possessing superior scalar weaponry are nations God gives a prominent role in the End Times!