Monday, May 09, 2005

Listen up when he's talking

When God talks to you, do you really want to listen to what he has to say?
I was in that situation and found out that as kids we don’t always want to listen to what I parents say.
We’ve all made mistakes and my destiny has finally been revealed to me. I am no longer on the course of being a writer. I am on the course of being a great man, great husband and father. Some things were revealed to me and I was tested as I spiraled down the path of deceit and lies. I thank for stopping me from chasing my self before I really caught up with my self. If that had happen the results could have had a dramatic effect on me. God rebuked satan long enough to make me see the big picture and what I am supposed to confess and do in my life. We all have pleasures and pains. What’s yours?